Cyclone Power Technologies
It’s time for… The Zero Carbon Cyclone Engine
Cyclone Power Technologies is an engine research, development, and manufacturing company focused on helping solve two of the great problems of our time: air pollution’s effect on our environment and the need for an abundant, clean, efficient, renewable (even zero carbon) local electric and motive power – anywhere in the world.
The Cyclone Engine
Our engine is an Advanced Rankine Cycle heat regenerative, external heat source, closed cycle engine or engine generator set. The remastered Rankine Cycle design, otherwise known as a “Schoell Cycle” engine, is the 21st century’s high efficiency, compact and powerful engine deployable anywhere.
The Cyclone Engine is customizable to run on any sufficiently high temperature heat source, including concentrated solar thermal energy and/or virtually any clean fuel (or combination of fuels). This advancement enables the Cyclone engine to be Zero Carbon and Zero NOx (when powered by concentrated solar heat), and Net Zero Carbon and Near-Zero NOx on bio fuels. This is something that no conventional gas or diesel powered internal combustion engines can achieve, thus creating a new EPA class! To-date, the Cyclone engine has achieved thermal efficiencies above 30%.

The Possibilities are Vast
From waste energy and solar thermal power generators for municipalities to data centers to crypto mines or the next clean power innovation for vehicle innovations to cars, trucks, trains and ships, we see a day when our planet will be powered in a sustainable manner by just One Engine – the Cyclone Engine.
Handcrafted and Time Tested